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Configuration options for the Holdings Summary section of the Library System.

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Holdings Summary Configuration

Go to Pika Configuration and Library Systems from the left sidebar.  

Screenshot of the pika configuration menu highlighting the library systems optionImage Modified

Click the Library Id number, or the Edit link to gain access to the Library Systems page.

Screenshot of the library systems table highlighting the access linksImage Modified

Click on the Holdings Summary tab.

Screenshot of the collapsed holdings summary menuImage ModifiedScreenshot of the expanded holdings summary menuImage Added

Show It’s Here

The Show it’s Here will show the message, “It’s Here,” instead of On Shelf when Pika detects that a patron is inside your library based on IP address or the branch parameter.  

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It’s Here option works in conjunction with OPAC configuration options based on IP address for physical locations or for branch specific URLs. Please review the linked documentation for more information about the IP Address configuration.

Screenshot of the holdings summary menu highlighting the show it's here optionImage Added

If this option is enabled, the catalog will display It’s Here in the availability display for items that are available on-shelf at the location that the patron is viewing the catalog from, based on IP detection or a branch specific URL.

If this option is disabled and a patron is viewing the catalog from a known IP address or branch specific URL, available on-shelf items will display as On Shelf.

It’s Here display in library

Screenshot of a record in the catalog highlighting the it's here displayImage Added

On shelf display if Show It’s Here is disabled

Screenshot of a record in the catalog highlighting the default on shelf displayImage Added

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Show Hold and Copy Counts

The Show Hold and Copy Counts is an option for whether or not the holds/copies available is shown within search results. If the box is checked, that holds/copies will show in the search results.  If the box is unchecked the information will not show in the search results.  

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Here is an example of an item with the holds/copies showing in the search results, and how the item will look when the Show Hold and Copy Counts box is unchecked.

Checked Unchecked

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option controls the display of holds and copies available in search results.

Screenshot of the holdings summary menu highlighting the show hold and copy counts optionImage Added


Screenshot of a record in the catalog highlighting the copy and waitlist countsImage Added


Screenshot of a title in the catalog where the hold and copy counts setting has been disabledImage Added

The waitlist value may not always be accurate to the actual scenario in which a patron’s hold might be fulfilled – this is especially true for MLN1 libraries, where local item availability may impact how quickly a local patron’s hold is fulfilled.

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Show On Order Counts

The Show On Order Counts option will display counts for on-order records in the search results.

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The Show On Order Counts option requires the Show Hold and Copy Counts option to be enabled.

Screenshot of the holdings summary menu highlighting the show on order counts optionImage AddedScreenshot of a record in the catalog highlighting the on order count displayImage Added

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cqllabel = "pika" AND label != "sierra" and label = "pika_administrator" and label = "configuration"