The Patron Display Name Style allows libraries to choose how people’s a patron’s name will appear on their account . This is a drop down menu. This will include the person’s middle initial or name (if it is listed on their ILS account). The default when logged in. The default option is First Initial. Last Name. Once the change has been made, people will need to log off and back in again to see the change. If the person’s name is updated in the ILS, it will automatically change in Pika. This change is per library system. This is based on the person’s home library, The display in the patron account is based on setting option from the patron’s home library system and not the catalog interface they are using.
The Treat Print Notices As Phone Notices is used when placing a hold. If this option is enabled, Pika will treat any notification preference set to 'Mail' as 'Telephone' instead.
Info |
There is no automation for phone notices in Pika. Offering the phone notice option will allow the user to choose to receive phone notices if your library offers that service. |
The Allow Patrons to Update Their Preferred Pickup Location/Home Branch option is a feature that depends on the ILS.
Note |
When enabled for Sierra libraries, this option will change the patron’s home branch in Sierra if/when patrons update their preferred pickup location. Do not enable this option if you do not want to allow your patrons to update their home library in Sierra. |
Here is an example of a library that allows their patrons to update their pickup location. This information is listed in the Account Settings in the Contact Information section.
The Maximum Fine Amount to Allow Account Updates gives allows library staff the ability to set a fine amount that will block patrons from changing their account information. The patron will not know why they cannot change their account information. The maximum fines defaults to The maximum fine amount default setting is $10.00. The feature can be turned off
Disable this option by setting the dollar amount to zero, or any negative number. This will stop patrons from being blocked from updating their account information if they have fines on their account. If this is disabled, patrons with fines in any amount will be able to update their profile.
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