Marmot Staff and Library Staff who contribute to Annual reports
Meeting with State Library folks to discuss state-wide stats initiative (IN-PROGRESS)
Create IPEDs supplement (DONE)
Marmot Staff and Library Staff that collect data or create reports
Name | Institution |
Esther Knox-Stutsman | Broomfield Public Library |
Selene Gardner | Englewood Public Library |
Tim McClelland | Boulder Public Library |
Bethany Baker |
Audit of data and reports that get collected
Generate the list of all Marmot services with the cost/benefit information
Continue Fee Restructuring Project (IN-PROGRESS)
Library Administrators and HR
Tim McClelland | Boulder Public Library |
Shana Wade | Mesa County Public |
Ask members to develop a set of common research questions that we might be able to centralize data for.
Budgeting needs
Hiring more staff
Providing proof of need
Hours open for a library
Name | Institution |
Mary Miller | Bemis |
Ginny Beesley | Pitkin County |
Gina Scioscia | Boulder Public Library |
Peggy Norris | Louisville Public Library |
Sarah Daniels |
Audit of the reports that libraries of various types need (board, community, state, etc.) and then use that a a platform to determine the amount of time/retention that is needed to fulfill those needs