When we send them new records, they send back copies of our records with any updates or changes they make to the records. These changes are loaded into our database.
Sending records to Marcive
MLN1 Criteria
Bib has a linked item, order, or checkin record
MAT TYPE is not v, q, or -
SPEC’L USE is not x
Bib does not have “no a.c.” in a 958
CAT DATE is within the previous month
MLN2 Criteria
Location must be between bd and md
This excludes Boulder Carnegie and something called Superior Locker Pickup
Bib has linked item, order or checkin record
BCODE3 is not w
Bib does not have “no a.c.” in a 958 field
CAT DATE within the previous month
Comprehensive Update
On a regular basis Marcive will send us records with updates to headings, such as changes to names or subject terms. Both MLN1 and MLN2 get a comprehensive updates quarterly.