Labelled content
This list shows content tagged with the following label:
To add a label to the list of required labels, choose '+ labelname' from Related Labels.
UTF-8 Encoding for Sierra Export Profile for Pika (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)
- cataloging
- cataloger
- pika
- digital_archivist
- web_services
- copy_cataloger
- work_study
- acquisitions
- serials
- course_reserves
- inn-reach
- rfid
- create_lists
- resource_sharing
- collection_agency
- record_updates
- notices
- holds
- print_templates
- record_templates
- admin
- handling
- patron_ux
- ils_interactions
- sideloading
- youtrack
- mk_solutions
- envisionware
- bibliotheca
- data_steward
- metadata_staff
- general_employee
- maintenance_cycles
- backups
- network_management
- firewall_security
- content_filtering
- vlans
- finance_manager
- hr_manager
- fundraiser
- desk_manager
- collection_manager
- circulation_staff
- reference_staff
- youth_staff
- technology_staff
- acquisitions_staff
- eresources_staff
- instruction_staff
- tech_trainer
- programming_coordinator
- serials_staff
- pika_administrator
- outreach_staff
- public_computing
- ill_staff
- innovation_staff
- business_staff
- inventory
- marc_record_loading
- patron_record_loading
- settings
- guidelines
- digital_archive
- scheduler
- training
- contact_marmot
- marmot_board
- new_directors
- new_employees
- orientation
- configuration
- system_admin
- device_staff
- device_public
- device_utility
- device_opac
- device_server